Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could use your marketing budget only to reach the kinds of people that want to watch your movie?
For years upon years the advertising industry has battled to reach customers.
During this never-ending battle, there have been some enormous triumphs but also some horrific turkeys.
Amazingly, some of the biggest companies in the world, which should know their customers better than any other, have also scored some enormous failures.
Some of their adverts have not only forced ridicule and embarrassment, but have also destroyed the careers of the stars that appeared in them.
The truth is that despite what advertising exacts will tell you, there is no exact science or formula that will guarantee success.
Well, that is until the advent of data-driven movie making and target marketing.
In this article, we are going to look at how data-driven movie-making helps movie makers to engage in target marketing to successfully market their product to the right audience.
Let’s start with target marketing.
What Is Target Marketing?
Target marketing is, in essence, the accurate targeting op specific customers rather than using conventional advertising means such as blanket TV ads.
In the case of a TV ad, for example, huge sums of money have to be invested for a single ad, which may only appeal to a very small percentage of the viewers watching it.
As a consequence, the company which has commissioned the ad only receives a very small return on investment. Also, the company will be required to speak spend huge sums of money with no guarantee of success.
With target marketing, advertisers will specifically create ads in forums, social media, email lists, and other such places to target specific demographics.
So for example, a movie company wishing to advertise its latest superhero film will want to reach an audience that has shown interest in this kind of film before.
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In order to do this, a target marketing campaign would focus adverts on specific social media pages such as those associated with comic books, Marvel movies, and the stars of the movie, etc.
This will guarantee that any viewers will almost certainly be interested in the film.
As a result, advertisers can guarantee a significant return on investment per dollar invested for marketing.
The exciting thing about this new technology is that the more data that is collected, the more accurate target marketing will become.
How To Use Target Marketing
The first step in the process is to find the best company to help you with your target marketing.
Given the complexity of the technology behind data-driven movie making, this is by no means an easy task.
Companies will have their own unique big data analytics solutions that can vary quite considerably. So it is important to look for a company that has experts who are qualified in big data analytics.
One such company is Largo, which has extensive expertise in the field of artificial intelligence and big data analytics.
The company has partnered with EPFL, one of the world’s leading technology universities. Many of the individuals who were instrumental in developing the company’s AI-driven technology, LargoAI, hold PHDs in the field.
Because of this extensive expertise, LargoAI has been able to achieve an incredibly high level of accuracy when it comes to movie gross predictions as well as recommendations for changes.
Largo recently predicted an incredibly accurate gross for Sony Entertainment movie Venom. Its prediction of $201 million proved incredibly accurate when the film was released it grossed $213 million.
Not only did this prediction impress Sony executives with its incredible degree of accuracy but it also proved to the industry that big data analytics is the future of movie production.
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Trust in your provider
Once you have found a reliable company like Largo, the next step is to brief them on your project.
Due to the power of big data analytics to improve productions, many filmmakers have chosen to use data-driven moviemaking as the backbone of the production.
As such, they implement changes and recommendations made by the software in order to improve their movies. Companies that have been involved in a production from the beginning will already fully understand the commercial viability of the movie.
If you are engaging a big data analytics company simply to help you with your target marketing, then this company will need to get to know your production.
They will start by analyzing your movie In order to identify the kinds of audience segments that it will appeal to.
When they have a clear picture of what your movie is and its target audience, they will either provide you with a report detailing who these people are and how you can best target your advertising to reach them or they will undertake the process themselves.
No matter which root you choose, success is guaranteed.
Target marketing has already proven effective for numerous independent and big blockbuster movies.
Eli Roth’s The Green Inferno is one example where target marketing achieved an enormous return on investment.
With a relatively tiny marketing budget, the film earned over $12.6 million at the box office. All this despite a predominantly negative response from critics to the movie.
If you wish to learn more about data-driven moviemaking and how this can help you target the right audience for your movie then contact Largo today for a free demo.

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