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Between Us
directed by Javier Solorzano Casarin
25 min - Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Between Us
directed by Javier Solorzano Casarin
25 min - Drama, Mystery, Thriller
SYNOPSIS: Sonia invites Alonso to her apartment for what it appears to be a casual date. As their encounter goes deeper into the night and their conversation evolves, a history of violence emerges. Both uncover their own true intentions.
Drama, Mystery, Thriller
25 Minutes 28 Seconds
200 USD
Black & White

A disturbingly intricate exploration of identity and impulse. Dialogue and performances that are full of tension drive this film forwards, along with beautiful cinematography.

It is impossible to read the intentions of the characters until the end. Each second of this short film is changing your expectations of an outcome as the intensity of the story is increasing. Beautiful piece of art.
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Between Us
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Between Us
directed by Javier Solorzano Casarin
SYNOPSIS: Sonia invites Alonso to her apartment for what it appears to be a casual date. As their encounter goes deeper into the night and their conversation evolves, a history of violence emerges. Both uncover their own true intentions.