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Crossing Shadows
directed by Mauro Blanco
17 min - Action, Mystery, Thriller
Crossing Shadows
directed by Mauro Blanco
17 min - Action, Mystery, Thriller
SYNOPSIS: Upon regaining consciousness, tainted with blood, Katja, an FBI agent, realizes she was running for her life, after investigating a Russian spy ring. No one can be trusted, not even her own agency. While trying to put the pieces together, she's cornered into facing two powerful figures and their henchmen. Fear, betrayal and espionage become the last concern on her mind. She now faces a much more shocking reality.
Action, Mystery, Thriller
17 Minutes 15 Seconds
United States
United States
is from New York City, but has lived in Los Angeles for over three decades. He studied filmmaking at L.A.C.C., has worked in several productions in different capacities, from audio to production assistant and associa ...
Nicholas Cirone
Justin Simpson is from Bismarck, North Dakota. He studied theater at the Minnesota State University and moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting in films.
Justin Simpson
Apart from being a Blackjack master, he currently lives in Hollywood, California, and works as an actor and stunt-double.
Michael Didriksson
While ambitious and entertaining the jagged flashbacks confuse things and a lot of the dialogue falls into cliche, but that aside the story moves along to an unexpected finish.
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Crossing Shadows
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Crossing Shadows
directed by Mauro Blanco
SYNOPSIS: Upon regaining consciousness, tainted with blood, Katja, an FBI agent, realizes she was running for her life, after investigating a Russian spy ring. No one can be trusted, not even her own agency. While trying to put the pieces together, she's cornered into facing two powerful figures and their henchmen. Fear, betrayal and espionage become the last concern on her mind. She now faces a much more shocking reality.