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directed by Nathan Miller
7 min - Drama
directed by Nathan Miller
7 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: On one night, in the same apartment, two dates take place. One is between Rose and her boyfriend. The other is supposed to be between Rose's sister Lily and a new romantic interest of hers. But Lily decides to stir up trouble. It's just supposed to be a bit of fun, but Rose soon finds herself on the precipice of betrayal.
7 Minutes 42 Seconds
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Interesting idea which keeps you guessing, if a little confused - I was hoping for something more at the end.
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directed by Nathan Miller
SYNOPSIS: On one night, in the same apartment, two dates take place. One is between Rose and her boyfriend. The other is supposed to be between Rose's sister Lily and a new romantic interest of hers. But Lily decides to stir up trouble. It's just supposed to be a bit of fun, but Rose soon finds herself on the precipice of betrayal.