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Ek Bhoot
directed by Chandrashekhar Gautam
8 min - Horror
Ek Bhoot
directed by Chandrashekhar Gautam
8 min - Horror
SYNOPSIS: An incident happened on the highway with a young man returning late night after a busy day in office...he stopped his car to help a man in a problem but soon he realised his mistake when the man explained his pain and agony, not only that the stranger turned out to be a deadly Halloween scary ghost !!! Watch whether he was able to save himself from the uninvited death
8 Minutes 48 Seconds
4,000 USD
Not bad short horror film with a story that most of the horror film lovers will recognize from other interpretations of it.
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Ek Bhoot
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Ek Bhoot
directed by Chandrashekhar Gautam
SYNOPSIS: An incident happened on the highway with a young man returning late night after a busy day in office...he stopped his car to help a man in a problem but soon he realised his mistake when the man explained his pain and agony, not only that the stranger turned out to be a deadly Halloween scary ghost !!! Watch whether he was able to save himself from the uninvited death