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Fractured Souls
directed by Eliezer Vergara
14 min - Drama
Fractured Souls
directed by Eliezer Vergara
14 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Bill is a conflicted man who takes out his frustrations on a co-worker named Noor, which results in a confrontation revealing a devastating truth. Bill is left to examine his own life and actions soon after.
14 Minutes 33 Seconds
10 USD
United States
United States
English, Urdu
This film takes an interesting angle to explore its story and keeps you wondering for a while about where it's all going.
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Fractured Souls
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Fractured Souls
directed by Eliezer Vergara
SYNOPSIS: Bill is a conflicted man who takes out his frustrations on a co-worker named Noor, which results in a confrontation revealing a devastating truth. Bill is left to examine his own life and actions soon after.