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directed by Lucil Lepeuple & Margot Cardinael
7 min - Animation, Experimental, Romance
directed by Lucil Lepeuple & Margot Cardinael
7 min - Animation, Experimental, Romance
SYNOPSIS: April is a young fish-headed woman and she is obsessed with water. But the problem is, the more she touches it, the more it gets dangerous and toxic for her. When she thinks she is finally trapped by her addiction, hope appears and a bear fishes her out….
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directed by Lucil Lepeuple & Margot Cardinael
SYNOPSIS: April is a young fish-headed woman and she is obsessed with water. But the problem is, the more she touches it, the more it gets dangerous and toxic for her. When she thinks she is finally trapped by her addiction, hope appears and a bear fishes her out….