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directed by Marie Rosselet Ruiz & Hélène Rosselet Ruiz
20 min - Comedy
directed by Marie Rosselet Ruiz & Hélène Rosselet Ruiz
20 min - Comedy
SYNOPSIS: Sonia, 18, is about to go on summer vacation with her friends for the first time in her life. But her mother buys a second hand jacuzzi with the money she was planning to use. Sonia’s not letting her get away with it… not this time.
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directed by Marie Rosselet Ruiz & Hélène Rosselet Ruiz
SYNOPSIS: Sonia, 18, is about to go on summer vacation with her friends for the first time in her life. But her mother buys a second hand jacuzzi with the money she was planning to use. Sonia’s not letting her get away with it… not this time.