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directed by Barret Valentin & Mathieu Alfred
5 min - Animation, Action, Adventure
directed by Barret Valentin & Mathieu Alfred
5 min - Animation, Action, Adventure
SYNOPSIS: In the near future, the overpopulation of the galaxy leads each individual to collect garbage to allow everyone to live together. A thinny alien "Ipso" has been waiting for a long time in his flying saucer to throw his trash cans at the interplanetary waste collection of exsonus. He's fed up..
Action, Adventure
5 Minutes 10 Seconds
the only plus is the fantastic graphics. totally awesome!! if the imaging was not so great, i would have given this a 0. the entire short makes absolutely no sense.
The only good thing about it was the CGI and sound design - but there is absolutely NO STORY here at all!
Really imaginative animation and well done effects work! I'm impressed. I liked the alien character a lot, but the intro especially was fantastic.
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directed by Barret Valentin & Mathieu Alfred
SYNOPSIS: In the near future, the overpopulation of the galaxy leads each individual to collect garbage to allow everyone to live together. A thinny alien "Ipso" has been waiting for a long time in his flying saucer to throw his trash cans at the interplanetary waste collection of exsonus. He's fed up..