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directed by Svetlana Mertsalova
10 min - Crime, Film Noir
directed by Svetlana Mertsalova
10 min - Crime, Film Noir
SYNOPSIS: Sophie plans to kill her husband who fell in love with Irma. Sophie envisages everything, but does not know that her plan is already known to her rival...
Crime, Film Noir
10 Minutes 8 Seconds
2,000 USD
Svetlana Mertsalova began her career as a writer. The first book was published in 2008. Now she has several books, of these, the most famous is "When a butterfly breaks its wings". In 2012 she graduated from the direc ...
Svetlana Mertsalova
Svetlana Mertsalova began her career as a writer. The first book was published in 2008. Now she has several books, of these, the most famous is "When a butterfly breaks its wings". In 2012 she graduated from the direc ...
Svetlana Mertsalova
Svetlana Mertsalova began her career as a writer. The first book was published in 2008. Now she has several books, of these, the most famous is "When a butterfly breaks its wings". In 2012 she graduated from the direc ...
Svetlana Mertsalova
Roberto Fleites in 2012 was graduated from the acting department of the Higher School of Cinematography in St. Petersburg. Filmed in many movies and TV shows.
Roberto Fleites
Alexander Mironov in 2008 was graduated from the acting department of the Higher School of Cinematography in St. Petersburg. Filmed in many movies and TV shows.
Alexander Mironov
Oksana Karpenko is model and actress theatre and cinema. In 2010 was graduated from the acting department of the Higher School of Cinematography in St. Petersburg.
Oksana Karpenko
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directed by Svetlana Mertsalova
SYNOPSIS: Sophie plans to kill her husband who fell in love with Irma. Sophie envisages everything, but does not know that her plan is already known to her rival...