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Leading Story: Ink On Your Hands
directed by Alyssa Rallo Bennett
11 min - Drama, Mystery
Leading Story: Ink On Your Hands
directed by Alyssa Rallo Bennett
11 min - Drama, Mystery
SYNOPSIS: Leading Story travels inside the newsroom - into the dressing rooms, lunches, and afterhours lives of the people who act as mouthpieces for billion dollar organizations; an up close and personal look behind the scenes of some of most riveting stories never told.
Drama, Mystery
11 Minutes 30 Seconds
United States
It's a well-made film, in a way it feels more like a scene from a larger project than a short on its own.
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Leading Story: Ink On Your Hands
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Leading Story: Ink On Your Hands
directed by Alyssa Rallo Bennett
SYNOPSIS: Leading Story travels inside the newsroom - into the dressing rooms, lunches, and afterhours lives of the people who act as mouthpieces for billion dollar organizations; an up close and personal look behind the scenes of some of most riveting stories never told.