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directed by Itay Akirav
15 min - Experimental
directed by Itay Akirav
15 min - Experimental
SYNOPSIS: Abu George (72), wakes up in his new house in lod (lydda) to another gray morning, and takes a bus to jaffa, to his childhood neighborhood. During the day, we will discover what he left behind and what he would never be able to.
15 Minutes 0 Seconds
10,000 USD
Palestinian Territory
Palestinian Territory
Arabic, Hebrew

A moving look at one man's life at the age of 72 in Palestinian Territory. A thought provoking drama.
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directed by Itay Akirav
SYNOPSIS: Abu George (72), wakes up in his new house in lod (lydda) to another gray morning, and takes a bus to jaffa, to his childhood neighborhood. During the day, we will discover what he left behind and what he would never be able to.