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directed by Natia Nikolashvili
9 min - Animation, Adventure, Fantasy
directed by Natia Nikolashvili
9 min - Animation, Adventure, Fantasy
SYNOPSIS: Magic forest is dying without light, Lile is looking for her missing reflection which guides her into the huge lighthouse. Lile with her "other self" finds the way to illuminate the forest and bring a new life to it.
Adventure, Fantasy
9 Minutes 38 Seconds
Haunting and fantastic piece of art. Wonderful animation that you will experience with all of your senses.
A beautifully animated and stirring short. Simple and yet poignant in its depictions of both sadness and hope.
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directed by Natia Nikolashvili
SYNOPSIS: Magic forest is dying without light, Lile is looking for her missing reflection which guides her into the huge lighthouse. Lile with her "other self" finds the way to illuminate the forest and bring a new life to it.