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Love Wins
directed by Aaron Rothermund
4 min - Drama
Love Wins
directed by Aaron Rothermund
4 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Lily and Heather have a loving relationship, and they’ve recently won the lottery. It seems too good to be true until Lily has a stroke due to an irregular heartbeat. She is taken to the hospital and survives, but after the blood clot is removed, Lily can no longer remember clearly, so Heather spends each day patiently reminding her. After all they have the lottery money, and all the time in the world.
4 Minutes 28 Seconds
8,000 USD
Aaron graduated the Script to Screen program at Centennial College with Honors, and the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence in 2019. During his time at Centennial College he wrote, directed and produced three short ...
Aaron Rothermund
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Love Wins
directed by Aaron Rothermund
SYNOPSIS: Lily and Heather have a loving relationship, and they’ve recently won the lottery. It seems too good to be true until Lily has a stroke due to an irregular heartbeat. She is taken to the hospital and survives, but after the blood clot is removed, Lily can no longer remember clearly, so Heather spends each day patiently reminding her. After all they have the lottery money, and all the time in the world.