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Messed Up
directed by Max Davidse
6 min - Comedy, Experimental, Musical
Messed Up
directed by Max Davidse
6 min - Comedy, Experimental, Musical
SYNOPSIS: A foursome of disturbed people is awaiting their turn. For what, they do not know. The only thing disrupting their frantic thoughts is the ever-repeating buzzer telling them who is up next…
Comedy, Experimental, Musical
6 Minutes 56 Seconds
125 EUR
There's something quite theatrical about it, it's an original concept and is pulled off with effect.
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Messed Up
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Messed Up
directed by Max Davidse
SYNOPSIS: A foursome of disturbed people is awaiting their turn. For what, they do not know. The only thing disrupting their frantic thoughts is the ever-repeating buzzer telling them who is up next…