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Monster In Your Head
directed by Kurt Mason
27 min
Monster In Your Head
directed by Kurt Mason
27 min
SYNOPSIS: Our fears plague us starting at childhood. No one leaves their past unscathed and unbroken. A young couple embarks on a new life and moves back to the husband’s old stomping grounds. Their travels deal out the fears from the husband's horror filled childhood, forcing him and his wife to deal with them as adults. With an all original sound track, this movie will take you to hell and back, If only in your head.
27 Minutes 5 Seconds
35 USD
United States
United States
Writing the screen play from a Story by Kurt Mason. He is a writer on IMDB who wrote other screenplays such as: The Summoning, Dark Power, Fear the Night, Attraction to Paris, etc.
Alberto G Rodriguez
Wife of Director/Editor, her job was mainly supporting the on-going production of this movie. From the tedious and ever important craft services, to the big picture items. She was there
Donna Visoria Mason
As Tiana Claire in Monster In Your Head. A very up and coming accomplished actress. Also known for: The Chosen, Wet Hot American Summer, Behind the Blinds, The Kicks, Etc.
Emily Killian
As Aaron Claire in Monster In Your Head This appears to be his first film at this posting
Travis Albano
All accomplished musicians and mixers
Kurt Mason, Richard Haitz, Doug Mason, Paul Cassarino, and Glenn Aulepp
This movie really gets you thinking about your own cooped up fears, that hide inside. Some hidden fears are only revealed, after time spent together with others.
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Monster In Your Head
directed by Kurt Mason
SYNOPSIS: Our fears plague us starting at childhood. No one leaves their past unscathed and unbroken. A young couple embarks on a new life and moves back to the husband’s old stomping grounds. Their travels deal out the fears from the husband's horror filled childhood, forcing him and his wife to deal with them as adults. With an all original sound track, this movie will take you to hell and back, If only in your head.