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Nine Five
directed by Tomás Arcos
14 min - Documentary, Experimental, History
Nine Five
directed by Tomás Arcos
14 min - Documentary, Experimental, History
SYNOPSIS: A woman baker reflects on the largest earthquake in the history of mankind. 56 years after the cataclysmic event, she evokes deep memories while preparing merengue with raspberry cakes.
Experimental, History
14 Minutes 59 Seconds
10,000 USD
An emotionall story that plays out as a memory. Impactful in its simplicity and powerful images.
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Nine Five
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Nine Five
directed by Tomás Arcos
SYNOPSIS: A woman baker reflects on the largest earthquake in the history of mankind. 56 years after the cataclysmic event, she evokes deep memories while preparing merengue with raspberry cakes.