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directed by Jeanny Gering
16 min - Documentary, Drama
directed by Jeanny Gering
16 min - Documentary, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Odyssee is about an artist’s vision to respond to this ‘refugee crisis’ with his own means - art and craft. Georg Friedrich Wolf invited refugees into his century old forge and taught them how to produce iron nails. In return they received a small loan and a certificate. But this four month long process was only the run up to a week of intense work, in which the trained refugees and Wolf created a huge, symbolic wood and iron raft in a field somewhere near Frankfurt.
16 Minutes 50 Seconds
5,000 EUR

A heartwarming and topical documentary that touches on the importance of communication through art, work and team effort for refugees and immigrants working with a German artist.
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directed by Jeanny Gering
SYNOPSIS: Odyssee is about an artist’s vision to respond to this ‘refugee crisis’ with his own means - art and craft. Georg Friedrich Wolf invited refugees into his century old forge and taught them how to produce iron nails. In return they received a small loan and a certificate. But this four month long process was only the run up to a week of intense work, in which the trained refugees and Wolf created a huge, symbolic wood and iron raft in a field somewhere near Frankfurt.