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Palpitations of Dust
directed by Ann Huang
7 min - Experimental, Film Noir , Mystery
Palpitations of Dust
directed by Ann Huang
7 min - Experimental, Film Noir , Mystery
SYNOPSIS: Three friends' lives become complicated when facing choices of love, friendship, need and reciprocity. Everything is hung on a thin string-- from a desire to love, to dream, to face life's disarrays, and then to settle on an unexpected destiny.
Experimental, Film Noir , Mystery
7 Minutes 2 Seconds
8,000 USD
United States
United States
Black & White and Color
This feels like a visual poem of sorts, it's quite hard to follow, although nice to look at.
Beautiful visual poetry-like film presenting an insight into complexity of relationships.
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Palpitations of Dust
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Palpitations of Dust
directed by Ann Huang
SYNOPSIS: Three friends' lives become complicated when facing choices of love, friendship, need and reciprocity. Everything is hung on a thin string-- from a desire to love, to dream, to face life's disarrays, and then to settle on an unexpected destiny.