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directed by Justin McAulay
5 min - Adventure, Sci-Fi
directed by Justin McAulay
5 min - Adventure, Sci-Fi
SYNOPSIS: The story of a plant's search for purpose. A house plant becomes sentient and begins to question it's existence on this planet. The plant is mysteriously transported to another world where its limits are tested, forcing the plant to realise the luxuries it had previously had taken for granted in its home on earth.
Adventure, Sci-Fi
5 Minutes 24 Seconds
500 GBP
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
An unusual short that clearly has layers of meaning that might not be apparent straight away
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directed by Justin McAulay
SYNOPSIS: The story of a plant's search for purpose. A house plant becomes sentient and begins to question it's existence on this planet. The plant is mysteriously transported to another world where its limits are tested, forcing the plant to realise the luxuries it had previously had taken for granted in its home on earth.