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Some Fleeting Romance
directed by Caio Casagrande
16 min - Romance
Some Fleeting Romance
directed by Caio Casagrande
16 min - Romance
SYNOPSIS: In a neighbourhood of luxurious malls, condos and wide avenues, Bruno feels disconnected from his friends. As he gets involved with Guilherme, and older man whose life seems perfectly stable, Bruno questions if that's what he wants for his.
16 Minutes 29 Seconds
20,000 USD
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Some Fleeting Romance
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Some Fleeting Romance
directed by Caio Casagrande
SYNOPSIS: In a neighbourhood of luxurious malls, condos and wide avenues, Bruno feels disconnected from his friends. As he gets involved with Guilherme, and older man whose life seems perfectly stable, Bruno questions if that's what he wants for his.