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The 12th
directed by Patrick Hodgson
10 min - Action, Thriller
The 12th
directed by Patrick Hodgson
10 min - Action, Thriller
SYNOPSIS: When Connie first meets Liam she is enthralled by the danger which surrounds him. Liam provides a lifestyle Connie never dreamed of. Following a catastrophic event, Liam tries to draw back from his violent life, only to be forced back to it by Connie. On this day the 12th, Liam confronts Connie with a harsh truth. Faced with the prospect of living a life alone in poverty, Connie forces Liam to follow thru with his promise to “take care of her” by completing one last fateful job.
Action, Thriller
10 Minutes 19 Seconds
50,000 USD
Patrick is an award winning editor and independent filmmaker/director residing in Toronto. After attending film school in 2003 he's been on a non-stop journey to hone his craft and collaborate with amazing people. In ...
Patrick Hodgson
Michael R Buchanan, Professor Emeritus, retired from a successful career as a world expert medical scientist in drug development for cardiovascular diseases. Since retiring from McMaster University, Michael decided to ...
Michael R Buchanan
Stephanie J Brister, known in her first career as the Queen of Hearts, retired as a successful heart surgeon in January 2015. Since then, Stephanie has pursued a career in film and television as actor, writer and prod ...
Stephanie J Brister
Stephanie J Brister, known in her first career as the Queen of Hearts, retired as a successful heart surgeon in January 2015. Since then, Stephanie has pursued a career in film and television as actor, writer and prod ...
Stephanie J Brister
Michael R Buchanan, Professor Emeritus, retired from a successful career as a world expert medical scientist in drug development for cardiovascular diseases. Since retiring from McMaster University, Michael decided to ...
Michael R Buchanan
Patrick is an award winning editor and independent filmmaker/director residing in Toronto. After attending film school in 2003 he's been on a non-stop journey to hone his craft and collaborate with amazing people. In ...
Patrick Hodgson
Fast paced with some slick editing for time cuts, The 12th is enjoyable but perhaps leaves a little too much character and story out to really connect where it counts.
Interesting directing and good acting is what makes this films really interesting to watch. Interlaced story will satisfy the hunger of the most demanding film watchers.
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The 12th
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The 12th
directed by Patrick Hodgson
SYNOPSIS: When Connie first meets Liam she is enthralled by the danger which surrounds him. Liam provides a lifestyle Connie never dreamed of. Following a catastrophic event, Liam tries to draw back from his violent life, only to be forced back to it by Connie. On this day the 12th, Liam confronts Connie with a harsh truth. Faced with the prospect of living a life alone in poverty, Connie forces Liam to follow thru with his promise to “take care of her” by completing one last fateful job.