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The Best Option
directed by Serge Goriely
20 min - Drama, Experimental, Sci-Fi
The Best Option
directed by Serge Goriely
20 min - Drama, Experimental, Sci-Fi
SYNOPSIS: Under the influence of a mysterious artificial intelligence specialist, Mina has had a virtual assistant, Clara, implanted in her. It allows her to accomplish her dream of becoming a photographer, but distracts her from Ben, her companion, who no longer recognizes her.
Drama, Experimental, Sci-Fi
20 Minutes 12 Seconds
15,000 EUR
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The Best Option
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The Best Option
directed by Serge Goriely
SYNOPSIS: Under the influence of a mysterious artificial intelligence specialist, Mina has had a virtual assistant, Clara, implanted in her. It allows her to accomplish her dream of becoming a photographer, but distracts her from Ben, her companion, who no longer recognizes her.