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The New Adventures of Brobot Johnson
directed by Darian Dauchan
13 min - Sci-Fi
The New Adventures of Brobot Johnson
directed by Darian Dauchan
13 min - Sci-Fi
SYNOPSIS: In this Sci Fi Hip Hop web series that's part silent film, part music video, a newly born robot that's half droid, half brotha, with the help of his eccentric maker, learns the mundane ways of the world in New York City one miraculous experience at a time.
13 Minutes 56 Seconds
United States
United States
Black & White and Color
Inventive, imaginative and funny this is a unique short that mixes the silent film genre with music and scifi
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The New Adventures of Brobot Johnson
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The New Adventures of Brobot Johnson
directed by Darian Dauchan
SYNOPSIS: In this Sci Fi Hip Hop web series that's part silent film, part music video, a newly born robot that's half droid, half brotha, with the help of his eccentric maker, learns the mundane ways of the world in New York City one miraculous experience at a time.