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The Price
directed by Daniele Lince
10 min - Drama, Sci-Fi
The Price
directed by Daniele Lince
10 min - Drama, Sci-Fi
SYNOPSIS: Near future. Giovanni is one of the creators of a special elixir that regenerates cells. The human being has overcome the greatest limit: mortality. It’s his 217th birthday, and his wife Annie has organized a surprise party with their loved ones. Unfortunately, their son Alan is not in the mood to celebrate.
Drama, Sci-Fi
10 Minutes 54 Seconds
English, French
Great concept, enjoyable story and thought provoking. Only slightly put off by the range of accents in the cast that didn't help to make them seem like the same family.
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The Price
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The Price
directed by Daniele Lince
SYNOPSIS: Near future. Giovanni is one of the creators of a special elixir that regenerates cells. The human being has overcome the greatest limit: mortality. It’s his 217th birthday, and his wife Annie has organized a surprise party with their loved ones. Unfortunately, their son Alan is not in the mood to celebrate.