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directed by Guvernor Sanchez
22 min - Drama
directed by Guvernor Sanchez
22 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: An unlikely couple navigate the complexities of love, and the conflict between responsibility and freedom on a road trip through rural Ireland. Tomorrow is a quiet examination of one man's three day trip away from the status quo, with a companion who changes how he sees the world and himself. Highlighting the cultural clash between modern and rural Ireland. Tomorrow is set in a landscape on the cusp of huge social change.
22 Minutes 6 Seconds
5,000 EUR
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directed by Guvernor Sanchez
SYNOPSIS: An unlikely couple navigate the complexities of love, and the conflict between responsibility and freedom on a road trip through rural Ireland. Tomorrow is a quiet examination of one man's three day trip away from the status quo, with a companion who changes how he sees the world and himself. Highlighting the cultural clash between modern and rural Ireland. Tomorrow is set in a landscape on the cusp of huge social change.