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True Blue
directed by Haris Raftogiannis
29 min - Documentary, Drama, Family
True Blue
directed by Haris Raftogiannis
29 min - Documentary, Drama, Family
SYNOPSIS: At a country that collapses (Greece), an elderly Greek - American couple, "Baby Girl" & Stamatis, is enjoying life as youngsters do, at the Greek island of Ikaria, a place known for the reason that its people "forget to die". But the sudden death of a friend of them reminds them that the end is closer.
Drama, Family
29 Minutes 20 Seconds
50,000 EUR
Black & White and Color
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True Blue
directed by Haris Raftogiannis
SYNOPSIS: At a country that collapses (Greece), an elderly Greek - American couple, "Baby Girl" & Stamatis, is enjoying life as youngsters do, at the Greek island of Ikaria, a place known for the reason that its people "forget to die". But the sudden death of a friend of them reminds them that the end is closer.