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9 Steps
directed by Marisa Crespo & Moisés Romera
7 min - Comedy, Horror, Thriller
9 Steps
directed by Marisa Crespo & Moisés Romera
7 min - Comedy, Horror, Thriller
SYNOPSIS: The night can be dark and full of horrors for small children, especially for Saúl, who has to cross a long dark corridor to get to the toilet at night. But his father is trying his best to persuade him to cross. Because it is not dangerous and he will stand on one side of the corridor watching the whole time, so there is nothing to be afraid of.
I loved it, the ending was an interesting choice and I kind of wish it would have ended 20 seconds earlier but the audio, coloring, cinematography and acting were top notch.
Great set-up, intriguing, at times truly scary and with a twist. Original piece of film.
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9 Steps
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9 Steps
directed by Marisa Crespo & Moisés Romera
SYNOPSIS: The night can be dark and full of horrors for small children, especially for Saúl, who has to cross a long dark corridor to get to the toilet at night. But his father is trying his best to persuade him to cross. Because it is not dangerous and he will stand on one side of the corridor watching the whole time, so there is nothing to be afraid of.