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Phantom Cinama
directed by CHENG Li-Ming & CHENG Li-Ming
25 min - Documentary, Experimental
Phantom Cinama
directed by CHENG Li-Ming & CHENG Li-Ming
25 min - Documentary, Experimental
SYNOPSIS: “The First Cinema”, opened in 1969 and closed in 1991, had built memories for people in town, a place where fairies once dreamed, laughed and cried. In the ruins of the wizard is slowly dancing, over and over again to recall the past. The last part of a film is the story of Chung Hao-tong, the story is a wound that people refused to speak of for a long while, and not many remembered now. It was a taboo for cinema once, and now I perform it through this work in remembrance of his spirit.
25 Minutes 0 Seconds
Black & White and Color
Great film full of symbolism and elements of romanticism. An experiment with interesting results.
Phantom Cinema is almost mesmerising its visual aesthetic. Evoking memories and experiences long since forgotten. An oddly moving piece of almost ethereal film.
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Phantom Cinama
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Phantom Cinama
directed by CHENG Li-Ming & CHENG Li-Ming
SYNOPSIS: “The First Cinema”, opened in 1969 and closed in 1991, had built memories for people in town, a place where fairies once dreamed, laughed and cried. In the ruins of the wizard is slowly dancing, over and over again to recall the past. The last part of a film is the story of Chung Hao-tong, the story is a wound that people refused to speak of for a long while, and not many remembered now. It was a taboo for cinema once, and now I perform it through this work in remembrance of his spirit.