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A Cup of Tea
directed by Svitlana Topor
11 min - Drama, Mystery, Romance
A Cup of Tea
directed by Svitlana Topor
11 min - Drama, Mystery, Romance
SYNOPSIS: The main character is a rich beautiful women who used to be surrounded with the beautiful things. Beautiful but cold, just the same as she is. One day she finds herself in a strange place. It seemed to be a usual porcelain shop, but turned out to be something else. She is offered an unexpected deal - she could make her deep dreams come true, but the price is not counted in money. Soon the bigger dilemma emerge: will she exchange her stable and comfort life to something new but desired? Is she re
Drama, Mystery, Romance
11 Minutes 51 Seconds
5,000 EUR
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A Cup of Tea
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A Cup of Tea
directed by Svitlana Topor
SYNOPSIS: The main character is a rich beautiful women who used to be surrounded with the beautiful things. Beautiful but cold, just the same as she is. One day she finds herself in a strange place. It seemed to be a usual porcelain shop, but turned out to be something else. She is offered an unexpected deal - she could make her deep dreams come true, but the price is not counted in money. Soon the bigger dilemma emerge: will she exchange her stable and comfort life to something new but desired? Is she re