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In The Dark
directed by Romeo Ortiz & Lani Martinez
14 min - Drama
In The Dark
directed by Romeo Ortiz & Lani Martinez
14 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: A disturbing tale based on a young woman who is exploring her ABUSIVE relationship while also dealing with her TOXIC family.
14 Minutes 44 Seconds
2,000 USD
United States
United States
Joanna Pisano is known for her work on In The Dark (2020), Wanna Make Out? (2019) and Mélange (2020).
Joanna Pisano
Maya Jasmin is an actress and cinematographer, known for Rooftops of my city (2018), Still Trying (2019), and Dover Demon (2017).
Maya Jasmin
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In The Dark
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In The Dark
directed by Romeo Ortiz & Lani Martinez
SYNOPSIS: A disturbing tale based on a young woman who is exploring her ABUSIVE relationship while also dealing with her TOXIC family.