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Also the rain (Y la lluvia también)
directed by Melchor Tame
18 min - Drama
Also the rain (Y la lluvia también)
directed by Melchor Tame
18 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Lucas, a 15-years-old teenager, stays in his best friend’s house for a couple of days during the summer holidays. He begins to develop his sexuality which focuses on Emilia, his friend’s mother. The rain is the witness of a contradictory universe of feelings where desire and taboo face each other.
18 Minutes 32 Seconds
This film is masterful at capturing the quiet tension of adolescent desire, intensified by the summer heat and following storm. Artistically shot.
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Also the rain (Y la lluvia también)
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Also the rain (Y la lluvia también)
directed by Melchor Tame
SYNOPSIS: Lucas, a 15-years-old teenager, stays in his best friend’s house for a couple of days during the summer holidays. He begins to develop his sexuality which focuses on Emilia, his friend’s mother. The rain is the witness of a contradictory universe of feelings where desire and taboo face each other.