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directed by Holt Boggs
9 min - Comedy, Drama
directed by Holt Boggs
9 min - Comedy, Drama
SYNOPSIS: An insecure mob boss enlists the help of an eccentric hit man to 'take out' his girlfriend's lover who he presumes to have a significantly larger penis. The only problem is, it's almost 4:00.
Comedy, Drama
9 Minutes 49 Seconds
3,000 USD
United States
United States
An actor for over 20 years, Holt has appeared in over 60 films and TV shows. This is his directorial debut.
Holt Boggs
Mark Fischback (aka Markiplier) is one of the most successful YouTuber's in the world with over 27m followers.
Mark Fischbach
Holt has produced several award winning shorts including his broad comedy, 'The Cable Men' as well as his feature film, 'The Prodigy'.
Holt Boggs
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directed by Holt Boggs
SYNOPSIS: An insecure mob boss enlists the help of an eccentric hit man to 'take out' his girlfriend's lover who he presumes to have a significantly larger penis. The only problem is, it's almost 4:00.