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Because of War, Lust and Love
directed by Alessandro Dioguardi
16 min - Drama, Fantasy
Because of War, Lust and Love
directed by Alessandro Dioguardi
16 min - Drama, Fantasy
SYNOPSIS: 1916, Ireland. After the event of the Easter Rising Fionn mac Cumhaill, leader of the uprising, has escaped to the Dublin countryside. Hurt in his pride, consumed by his feeling of vengeance, Fionn spent his last days in isolation, seeking revenge.
Drama, Fantasy
16 Minutes 1 Seconds
1,600 EUR

Beautiful sweeping landscapes and dramatic characters make this one work and give a sense of time and place.
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Because of War, Lust and Love
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Because of War, Lust and Love
directed by Alessandro Dioguardi
SYNOPSIS: 1916, Ireland. After the event of the Easter Rising Fionn mac Cumhaill, leader of the uprising, has escaped to the Dublin countryside. Hurt in his pride, consumed by his feeling of vengeance, Fionn spent his last days in isolation, seeking revenge.