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Deleted Scene
directed by Nicolò Tagliabue
23 min - Comedy, Drama
Deleted Scene
directed by Nicolò Tagliabue
23 min - Comedy, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Ludovico decides to give up everything to devote himself to what he has always wanted: to make a movie, but his sentimental past will be always in his thoughts making difficult for him to distinguish reality and fiction.
Comedy, Drama
23 Minutes 42 Seconds
1,400 EUR
Born in Milan (Italy), May 19th 1990 He successfully completed the New York Film Academy filmmaking conservatory. Director of "The Second Move", "Ordinary People", "Deleted Scene"
Nicolò Tagliabue
Born in Milan (Italy), May 19th 1990 He successfully completed the New York Film Academy filmmaking conservatory. Director of "The Second Move", "Ordinary People", "Deleted Scene"
Nicolò Tagliabue
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Deleted Scene
directed by Nicolò Tagliabue
SYNOPSIS: Ludovico decides to give up everything to devote himself to what he has always wanted: to make a movie, but his sentimental past will be always in his thoughts making difficult for him to distinguish reality and fiction.