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The Final Scene
directed by Mijael Bustos
19 min - Documentary, Biography
The Final Scene
directed by Mijael Bustos
19 min - Documentary, Biography
SYNOPSIS: Heine Mix Toro, an eminent former playwright and theater director, after his return from the exile of Pinochet's dictatorship, has been marginalized and now lives as a hermit in a humble shack with his dogs. Every day lives the uncertainty of staying or having to leave their land, since it does not belong to him and he has been sued by inhabit it. Heine will spend his life and will face with frustration his dreams, abandonment, their past actions and the bewilderment of his future whereabouts.
19 Minutes 5 Seconds
2,000 USD
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The Final Scene
directed by Mijael Bustos
SYNOPSIS: Heine Mix Toro, an eminent former playwright and theater director, after his return from the exile of Pinochet's dictatorship, has been marginalized and now lives as a hermit in a humble shack with his dogs. Every day lives the uncertainty of staying or having to leave their land, since it does not belong to him and he has been sued by inhabit it. Heine will spend his life and will face with frustration his dreams, abandonment, their past actions and the bewilderment of his future whereabouts.