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Lost Paradise
directed by Kevin Zayat
8 min - Documentary, Adventure
Lost Paradise
directed by Kevin Zayat
8 min - Documentary, Adventure
SYNOPSIS: The Matsiguenka family belonged to an ancient tribe that has suffered great changes and losses in their customs at the expense of the "process of civilization". These processes have managed to transform even the wishes of this family, leading them to generate different sacrifices of their traditions at the cost of surviving in a capitalist world.
8 Minutes 19 Seconds
A brief glimpse into the lives, desires, and dreams of a tribe of indigenous people in the Peruvian jungle.
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Lost Paradise
directed by Kevin Zayat
SYNOPSIS: The Matsiguenka family belonged to an ancient tribe that has suffered great changes and losses in their customs at the expense of the "process of civilization". These processes have managed to transform even the wishes of this family, leading them to generate different sacrifices of their traditions at the cost of surviving in a capitalist world.