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Leaking Blue
directed by Julia Alquéres
15 min - Documentary, Drama
Leaking Blue
directed by Julia Alquéres
15 min - Documentary, Drama
SYNOPSIS: A mother looks for her son in a hospital bed. In the midst of Sao Paulo’s ground zero areas, Catedral da Sé and the many people that circulate or live there, she finds her daughter. Among tides and shores, portraits of diverse times make and unmake in lines of blue that leak beyond the nails. Sinopsis
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Leaking Blue
directed by Julia Alquéres
SYNOPSIS: A mother looks for her son in a hospital bed. In the midst of Sao Paulo’s ground zero areas, Catedral da Sé and the many people that circulate or live there, she finds her daughter. Among tides and shores, portraits of diverse times make and unmake in lines of blue that leak beyond the nails. Sinopsis