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Let's break the sky and take a piece
directed by Céline Dondénaz
18 min - Drama
Let's break the sky and take a piece
directed by Céline Dondénaz
18 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Abigail is a 5 year old fearless dreamer. Between a difficult relationship with her mother and a wild imagination, she tries as hard as she can to overcome the recent loss of her father. One day in her garden, she sees a wolf that she will stop at nothing to find him again.
18 Minutes 10 Seconds
15,000 USD
A very touching, well made drama that showcases fine story telling, acting and direction.
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Let's break the sky and take a piece
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Let's break the sky and take a piece
directed by Céline Dondénaz
SYNOPSIS: Abigail is a 5 year old fearless dreamer. Between a difficult relationship with her mother and a wild imagination, she tries as hard as she can to overcome the recent loss of her father. One day in her garden, she sees a wolf that she will stop at nothing to find him again.