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directed by Saber Tatarcheh
16 min - Drama
directed by Saber Tatarcheh
16 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Seven year old Celine is working as a blogger alongside her mother and she is gaining many followers and becoming famous on Instagram. In order to make money, they make advertisement videos to post on their page and it's a source of income for her family until the police finds out about their illegal activities and they get in trouble with the law and causes problems for Celine at school.
16 Minutes 43 Seconds
Very engaging and multi-layered story that makes you question various relevant and pressing topics both within the context of Iran and the wider world.
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directed by Saber Tatarcheh
SYNOPSIS: Seven year old Celine is working as a blogger alongside her mother and she is gaining many followers and becoming famous on Instagram. In order to make money, they make advertisement videos to post on their page and it's a source of income for her family until the police finds out about their illegal activities and they get in trouble with the law and causes problems for Celine at school.