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directed by Barna Nemethi
14 min - Drama, Experimental
directed by Barna Nemethi
14 min - Drama, Experimental
SYNOPSIS: A young but peculiar scientist tries to understand why people are willing to blow themselves up for whichever cause. Having found no support in the scientific community, he decides to take matters into his own hands and deliver one final experiment to make his point.
Drama, Experimental
14 Minutes 32 Seconds
45,000 EUR
Scientist sometimes tend to go too far. In their hunger to prove that their statement is true, they can adapt a very bizarre methodologies.
The slow burning tension of Bomberman is what makes it so compelling to watch. To watch the lead slowly progress to the climax makes for a fascinating experience. Excellent performances and direction/production quality.
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directed by Barna Nemethi
SYNOPSIS: A young but peculiar scientist tries to understand why people are willing to blow themselves up for whichever cause. Having found no support in the scientific community, he decides to take matters into his own hands and deliver one final experiment to make his point.