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directed by Léger Fabrice & Louise Patrice
4 min - Animation, Horror, Mystery
directed by Léger Fabrice & Louise Patrice
4 min - Animation, Horror, Mystery
SYNOPSIS: There was once a bounty hunter so skilled at taking his preys life, that people called him the Reaper. He was a legend, until he found the love of his life and retired. But one day he found his wife dead, killed by some fanatics. The Reaper got back in business, and started his revenge ..
Horror, Mystery
4 Minutes 29 Seconds
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directed by Léger Fabrice & Louise Patrice
SYNOPSIS: There was once a bounty hunter so skilled at taking his preys life, that people called him the Reaper. He was a legend, until he found the love of his life and retired. But one day he found his wife dead, killed by some fanatics. The Reaper got back in business, and started his revenge ..