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Easter Eggs
directed by Nicolas Keppens
14 min - Animation, Drama
Easter Eggs
directed by Nicolas Keppens
14 min - Animation, Drama
SYNOPSIS: The Chinese restaurant is empty. Mister Ping is gone. The exotic bird’s cage stands wide open. No one knows what happened. Two friends, Jason and Kevin, see this as a great opportunity to catch the birds and sell them for a great amount of money. But catching the birds ain’t as simple as it seems…
14 Minutes 0 Seconds
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Easter Eggs
directed by Nicolas Keppens
SYNOPSIS: The Chinese restaurant is empty. Mister Ping is gone. The exotic bird’s cage stands wide open. No one knows what happened. Two friends, Jason and Kevin, see this as a great opportunity to catch the birds and sell them for a great amount of money. But catching the birds ain’t as simple as it seems…