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Football Player’s wife
directed by Roman Polyakov
8 min - Experimental
Football Player’s wife
directed by Roman Polyakov
8 min - Experimental
SYNOPSIS: Football player Luzhin with his wife Tasya comes to a large city at the invitation of a famous club. The wave already sees a chic life ahead. However, it turns out that the contract with him will not be signed. Tasya is shocked, but does not lower hands and is going to fight for their future with their husband.
8 Minutes 11 Seconds
20,000 USD
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Football Player’s wife
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Football Player’s wife
directed by Roman Polyakov
SYNOPSIS: Football player Luzhin with his wife Tasya comes to a large city at the invitation of a famous club. The wave already sees a chic life ahead. However, it turns out that the contract with him will not be signed. Tasya is shocked, but does not lower hands and is going to fight for their future with their husband.