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This Is Not An Art Work
directed by Daniel Beltrán
17 min - Documentary
This Is Not An Art Work
directed by Daniel Beltrán
17 min - Documentary
SYNOPSIS: “Everything is art and everyone is an artist” is the atrocious and false result of contemporary art. If we can not define what is art, then anyone can be an artist and anything becomes art. This is not a work of art: it is a manifesto.
17 Minutes 36 Seconds
3,000 USD
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This Is Not An Art Work
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This Is Not An Art Work
directed by Daniel Beltrán
SYNOPSIS: “Everything is art and everyone is an artist” is the atrocious and false result of contemporary art. If we can not define what is art, then anyone can be an artist and anything becomes art. This is not a work of art: it is a manifesto.