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Light on Her Feet
directed by Martin Barshai
21 min - Documentary, Drama, Sport
Light on Her Feet
directed by Martin Barshai
21 min - Documentary, Drama, Sport
SYNOPSIS: An intimate portrait of an 18-year-old dancer during her difficult journey to the world of professional ballet.
Drama, Sport
21 Minutes 0 Seconds
2,000 USD
United States
United States
This is a very raw and honest look at the work that goes into becoming a professional dancer BUT i have to say.. there should be a trigger warning for eating disorders on this...
A harsh look at the cruel world of professional ballet as seen through the eyes of an extremely determined 18 yr old. Her motivation and self-belief makes this a stand-out piece.
Nobody even thinks about difficult way of life of a ballet dancer. This film depicts all the struggle, tears and pain before even entering one step forward into a world of professional ballet.
An illuminating look into the fierce and harsh competition of ballet. The girl the film focuses on is open and honest in her feelings and emotions and that comes across completely, and that is the strength of this film.
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Light on Her Feet
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Light on Her Feet
directed by Martin Barshai
SYNOPSIS: An intimate portrait of an 18-year-old dancer during her difficult journey to the world of professional ballet.