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The horizon line
directed by Guillaume Fabre-Luce
20 min - Drama
The horizon line
directed by Guillaume Fabre-Luce
20 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Cosimo is a sailor and wishes not to choose between his family and expeditions. But when he realizes Athénaïs, his 8-year-old daughter, is suffering from his absence, he decides to stay ashore to take care of her. As the shadow of a long-forgotten expedition arises from his past, the sea yet again starts calling after Cosimo…
20 Minutes 24 Seconds
A strong performance from the child actress here plus a compelling story told in a realistic way.
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The horizon line
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The horizon line
directed by Guillaume Fabre-Luce
SYNOPSIS: Cosimo is a sailor and wishes not to choose between his family and expeditions. But when he realizes Athénaïs, his 8-year-old daughter, is suffering from his absence, he decides to stay ashore to take care of her. As the shadow of a long-forgotten expedition arises from his past, the sea yet again starts calling after Cosimo…