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November Will Be May
directed by Yana Lekarska
19 min - Drama
November Will Be May
directed by Yana Lekarska
19 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: This is the story of a woman in her late 50ies. Living alone after her husband passed away and her daughter went for work abroad, she has just retired from her job as a book editor. But one day she decides to take one more last assignment and go on a 1-day trip along with a writer researching for his new book. The trip will take her back to a city which hides the secrets of her past. Will she be able to face them?
19 Minutes 37 Seconds
South Korea
South Korea
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November Will Be May
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November Will Be May
directed by Yana Lekarska
SYNOPSIS: This is the story of a woman in her late 50ies. Living alone after her husband passed away and her daughter went for work abroad, she has just retired from her job as a book editor. But one day she decides to take one more last assignment and go on a 1-day trip along with a writer researching for his new book. The trip will take her back to a city which hides the secrets of her past. Will she be able to face them?