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Judy Garland: Scandalized
directed by Darren Stewart-Jones
6 min - Documentary, Biography
Judy Garland: Scandalized
directed by Darren Stewart-Jones
6 min - Documentary, Biography
SYNOPSIS: Through actual voice recordings of Hollywood legend Judy Garland, we learn how the star was victimized and exploited by the news media throughout her life.
6 Minutes 0 Seconds
1,000 USD
Nice editing with voice over and images from Judy Garland's career to make a point regarding how she was victimized by the press.
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Judy Garland: Scandalized
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Judy Garland: Scandalized
directed by Darren Stewart-Jones
SYNOPSIS: Through actual voice recordings of Hollywood legend Judy Garland, we learn how the star was victimized and exploited by the news media throughout her life.