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directed by Mauro Blanco
13 min - Horror
directed by Mauro Blanco
13 min - Horror
SYNOPSIS: A young college student house sits for a living. She is in a remote part of town and anxiously expecting her boyfriend. But, when he tells her he can't make it, due to his job, her consternation turns into angst, upon noticing a prowler outside, and into terror, when she realizes someone is now inside the house.
13 Minutes 0 Seconds
2,500 USD
United States
United States
A horror high on good shock factor and unafraid to push the limit of our expectations.
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directed by Mauro Blanco
SYNOPSIS: A young college student house sits for a living. She is in a remote part of town and anxiously expecting her boyfriend. But, when he tells her he can't make it, due to his job, her consternation turns into angst, upon noticing a prowler outside, and into terror, when she realizes someone is now inside the house.